Ways to Get An International Driver’s License

Get An International Driver’s License

Here are three options in which you can get your International Driver’s License refined and delivered to you expeditiously and efficiently International driving license.
  1. Regional Transport Office (RTO)
  2. Western India Automobile Association
  3. Through International Traffic Control Association(ITCA) website

International Driver’s License

Regional Transport Office

RTO or the Regional Transport Office is the organization recognized by the Government of India to issue driving licenses, collect vehicle tax, issue illustrate registrations and maintain a record of drivers and cars. There are zonal offices of the RTO scattered across India. Much like the parent body, every zonal office is responsible for deal with your International Driving Permit too.
Before we give you a step by step listing of what you need in order to apply for an IDL,  let us cite the documents that you need to carry to the zonal office. Failure to produce either one of these documents would deem you inappropriate for the International driver’s license concerned International drivers permit online.


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