International driving permit | International driving license

International driving permit | International driving license

The International driving permit (IDP) is an official, multi-language translation of your international driving license. The IDP is not a replacement for a driving licence; You are required to carry both your international driving licence and IDP while driving in the destination.  

International driving license

In e-itca gives you the best services you can check our websites where you get full information regarding how you apply for international driving license  of the Interior has given the right for issuing the international driving permits to the and its service outlets already in the 1920’ies.

From the beginning of 2016 the police do not check the IDPs anymore, but the transport agency TraFi is responsible for checking the person’s right to drive. The price of the International Driving Permit could also be reduced, as the process turned simpler International driving license.

In e-itca the International Driving Permit models of 1949 Geneva Convention and 1968 Vienna Convention are in use. The IDP 1949 is valid one year from date of issue and the model 1968 is valid for 3 years from the date of issue at the most International driving license online.


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