Getting an International Driving Permit While Traveling
Getting an International Driving Permit While Traveling Though it is much easier as an American to get an International Driving Permit Domestically (go to your local e-itca , fill out an application, and for more information you can also check our website you may be abroad when you discover you need it International Driving license . While traveling in Southeast Asia, I’ve driven a motorbike in both Thailand and Myanmar with no problems but travelers I’ve run into have told me that it’s not as easy to do so in Indonesia. I’m told that police in Indonesia often stop tourists and fine those who don’t have an IDP ( International Driving Permit ). Since I didn’t get an IDP before I left, I inessential to get one sent to me here, while traveling international drivers license . Your Options Risk it You always have the option of going without an International Driving Permit and taking the risk of being pulled over (Many countries have no problem renting...